Would it be possible for such a fast and sophisticated technology to shorten the time to gain money?
The main purpose of life is to live as a whole human being, not only to earn money or just to find food.
Unfortunately our civilization has never reached that stage. Most people spend their average period of their productive age chasing money, working hard. Only some people can make it out of the loop.
The general rule adopted in the world is to study hard and be smart starting from a young age, then continue to work to earn as much money as possible, as a preparation for their pension.
A good advice that we know, no pain no gain.
The question is: can this motto change to play hard now and later?
The current generation, having such rapid technological advances today, may have those opportunities. It was not a trivial matter for previous generation, there were so many obstacles to face.
It can be described in simple terms using arithmetic.
Let's say that the fixed constant as the most primitive basis of life's necessities is to have a two bedroom slum. Other fixed constants are thought processes, experience and knowledge.
Traditionally, it took 55 - 60 years of working 40 hours per week to achieve this basic need. And even it only happened for the lucky ones.
In the past, it took 2 weeks to send local letters, about 1 month between countries. Currently, in seconds the email can be received.
In short, apart from the fixed constant, logically with the current technology, 5 working days should be shortened to two working days. Because of course there are processes that cannot be shortened by any technological assistance.
Unfortunately, this has not been the case for hundreds of years.
Humanism vs Modern Slavery
The acceleration of information technology for the majority of workers has actually resulted in an increase in time to work that is not proportional to the increase in income received financially. Hopes for achieving basic two-bedroom huts for the younger generation are fading away.
In Australia, from existing studies, it is not easy for them to own a house, let alone submitting a mortgage application, saving only for a down payment takes years of hard working. Even though the government has facilitated this scheme.
The question is whether future generations will remain in the modern model of slavery or we can enter into a completely different model of civilization.
In a week you have 5 days to be fully human and two days to earn money?
Even though it's not easy, it needs a breakthrough and a way of thinking that has just come out of the box for hundreds of years to get there.
generasi Z punya prioritas hidup yg beda dg kids jaman old :)
mereka gak mampu menabung buat DP rumah? yha jelaslah :)
kebutuhan (apa keinginan yah?) gaya hidup millennial serba harus, serba instant.. harus punya gadget terkini, minimal 3 kali sehari harus upload foto & video ditempat yg lagi happening, tampilan dari ubun sampe kaki harus instagramable..
kendaraan harus yg ikut trend - sepeda harus brompton dong, mosok gowes pake sepeda koembang oemar bakri :) buruh2 pabrik di Cikarang sebelum covid19, saking gedenya uang lembur, sanggup nyicil motor yg ajib2, Pak _/\_ punten, bisa jadi 11-12 sama big bike nya Pak Monchu _/\_
ipar adik saya, usaha adverdtising & rumah produksi, kebetulan sukses _/\_sebelum covid19, mobilnya saben taun ganti, segala merk eropa pernah punya dia.. yaah 13-14 sama Boss Syafril lah _/\_:)
anehnya, atau menurut saya, mereka ini aneh.. :)
mereka ini rata2 gak kepikiran nyicil rumah _/\_
yaa.. beda prioritas nya.. kali yah? _/\_
lagian.. sulit lah Pak _/\_
demi memenuhi standard lifestyle kekinian ini _/\_ tetap harus menyisakan gaji buat ditabung bakal DP rumah :)_/\_
jangankan rumah, asuransi kesehatan, kalo gak dipaksa bpjs, mungkin mereka cuex bebex juga _/\_
mungkin, beda generasi, beda gaya, beda prioritas..
kids jaman old harus kerja min 40 jam seminggu, nabung mati2an, supaya bisa beli rumah & hidup bahagia dihari tua..
kids jaman now dg kemajuan teknologi, lebih lentur cara nyari duit, jam kerja & hasilnya..
jadi, bersenang-senang sepanjang jaman itu.. yah tergantung yg ngejalaninya aja.. kali yah _/\_ :)
yg penting, jangan lupa bahagia :)_/\_